Monday, 4 July 2011

Free camping Treenie (Broome to Kununnura)

Free camping Treenie (Broome to Kununnura)
So after as much procrastinating as I possibly could the day (or should I say night) had arrived, Mikey was making me free camp. We couldn’t possibly justify paying $65 just to pull over for the night and my budget conscious brain clicked in and agreed to free camping on our way to Darwin. Don’t get me wrong I usually don’t mind free camping in the middle of no where with no facilities but for some reason I just wasn’t that interested in doing it on the trip. Well was I mistaken, we have had so much fun pulling up in the free camp sites and meeting lots of others doing the same thing! I must admit I now have caravan envy as I see people exit their caravan in the morning looking freshly showered but hey I can cope with  the ‘shower in a can’ for a few nights. We free camped for (two nights) our way past Fitzroy Crossing and Halls Creek, stopping to see the sites and visit some beautiful spots in the national parks, we had a brief 'power and shower' reprieve stop at Parry’s Farm Stay about 20k’s out of Wyndam.

This was an amazing spot, they had powered sites on their farm, and the kids loved wandering around and trying to find the crocodile they told us was currently residing in their lagoon. Although the thought of staying the night in Wyndam did not hold much appeal for me, Parry’s Place was beautiful and a great spot to kick back. We ventured into Wyndam and saw some amazing sites, we visited the lookout where five rivers meet, we saw the aboriginal sculptures that pay tribute to the land we live in and met some very interesting characters. The highlight of the wyndam stop was the Croc Farm. The kids loved seeing these amazing reptiles so close to us and when we did the tour they were enthralled watching them being fed. The old guy who took the tour was so entertaining, he was truly living on his own time, he had a quick smoke before the tour then as we were wandering around he would light up and then throw a big bit of meat to the crocs. He told some fascinating tales about how the crocs came to be at the croc farm and used some very ‘entertaining’ language in front of us all to explain them. I was killing myself laughing watching Oscar’s face as he kept repeating ‘swear word’ after swear word in front of the kids. Scarlett thought it was hysterical and kept wanting to repeat them for the next few days, cheekily telling me that the croc man said it so so can I!  After a great few hours listening to this entertaining man we were on the road to Kunanurra. I gratefully paid to spend a few nights in the Big 4 caravan resort, it was lovely! Great shower pressure, playground and pool for the kids and some beautiful shady spots to rest under.

Mike and I have a running tally on the shower pressure at each of the parks we haved stayed at, Mike has mentioned on a few occasions that he is just going to go and buy a shower head and ‘install’ it every time we get to a new park so that he can enjoy his shower, And I  have turned into ‘that’ person, you know the one that tells everyone who walks into the amenities what shower I have found to be the best. In the quest for a decent shower I feel that I must now empower all others with my knowledge, I LOVE it, I am the one at the basin who when I see someone approaching the shower will try and get their attention through the mirror so I can deliver my best intentioned advice…”the end shower has the best pressure…or the first two showers go hot then cold”….OMG I think there is a little Peter Saunders coming out in me yet!!!!!

Kununnara was great. It was such an interesting place, we visited lots of aboriginal galleries and learnt some amazing things, we fed fish that literally jumped on top of each other to get the bread, we picnic’ed at some beautiful spots near lake argyle and the national parks and generally just hung out at the caravan park. The kids were in their element as they finally had some more friends to play with and it was so nice to see them having a great time with their new friends, it was a shame to be going so soon as I think Oscar had really needed some time with some kids his own age.

But the NORTHERN TERRITORY was awaiting. After nearly 13 weeks (half of our trip) we were leaving Western Australia. We are taking some amazing experiences with us and as I watch the kids write and draw in their journal, looking back at the photos to remember things I hope that this is just the start of our adventures in WA. We have so many things we didn’t get to do or see and are already planning our return visit (mind you in the next visit Mike has already upgraded the car and campervan so we can do the Gibb River Road and other off road adventures!)

Favourite things in WA
Theresa – Coral Bay, definitely somewhere I want to go to again, it was just beautiful, the Ningaloo Reef was amazing and I loved that the fish just swam around you and you ventured only metres of shore to see the coral reef.
Michael – Coral Bay ( what a surprise we actually agree on something) Mike loved that we didn’t’ move the car from the time we pulled up, we just walked across the road to the beach or the shop.
Oscar – climbing the Gloucestor Tree in Pemberton (oh and his birthday in Perth)
Scarlett – Playgrounds! Her favourite was in Donnybrook, but she wished it wasn’t raining so she could have gone on everything..
Lola – I think that lola would say the birds, she has loved that they are everywhere and she can constantly point to one and say ‘bird, bird’ I also think she has loved having 3 months of full time mum and dad time. What a great gift for her to have her family doting on her every day.

So the first three months of our trip are done and dusted, this time has been so special for me, I have loved (most of the time) being with my family, watching the kids grow and develop so many new skills. Oscar has changed so much in the last three months, still a little shy until he has sussed the situation out, he is learning so many new skills daily. I love watching his relationships with his sister’s grow and develop. From the frustration he displays when Scarlett always wants to do what he is doing, to the tenderness and care he shows to Lola. Oscar is such a gentle and kind soul, he wears his heart on his sleeve and is compassionate and caring. He makes me so proud.

Scarlett is so like her mother, we constantly but heads as she is fiercely independent and has such a confidence in herself for a three year old. She will hold herself determinedly, shoulders set back and her body rigid, she is already learning how to hold her own in this world. I love watching our relationship develop, I see so much of myself in her already (particularly when she imitates me scolding her), she is quirky and funny, laughs at her own jokes, is constantly singing and making up stories. She  has an answer for everything and does not back down. She has grown up so much and already constantly talks about going to kinder and school. The other day she told me that when she finishes school she is going to move out and travel the world! In the next breath she also wanted to know if we would come with her so someone can buy her icecreams when she wants them! 

Lola is also developing her own personality. She delights everyone she encounters, and will babble away to anyone who is willing to listen, I love watching her talk to the ‘oldies’ whilst I do the laundry. Lola loves helping me to move the dirty washing from one spot to the next and put the pegs everywhere, quite often a quick trip to the laundry will take 3 times as long, as everyone wants to chat to her and watch her as she plays with the pegs.  Lola does the funniest expressions and I love watching her play the older two off to see who will be at her beck and call! Lola is cute and funny to watch, she LOVES it outdoors and is horrified when we try and restrain her from taking off down the caravan park roads, she has a wandering spirit already. She is truly delightful!

So after three months  living in close confines I believe that the Watson’s are travelling quite well, we are still laughing and loving the life we are living. We are so fortunate to have seen the things we have seen and shared the experiences together! I am looking forward to the next 3 months of our adventure as we try and take in what we can of this big beautiful land of ours!

Northern Territory awaits!

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