Wednesday, 18 May 2011


Well today is another beautiful day, even though it has been raining a little, it is still lovely to just sit there and watch the comings and goings of the park, I already feel like the nosy parker checking out the coimings and goings off the park. My favourite thing is NO MOZZIES can  this be my camping dream! I can put up with the flies if there are no mozzies!!!! Oscar is happy playing with his friends, scarli is consoling herself with oscar’s ds as her friends had to go this morning, we are off to explore today and check out the playgrounds in Esperance.

Well not long after we  arrived in Esperance poor little Lola got a perforated ear drum and was a miserable little camper for a few days, then to top it off I got the flu and ended up having to go to hospital. There is usually no doctor on call at the hospital, but fortunately for me (and unfortunately for the poor bugger) the ambulance was on it’s way with a man who had an incident with an anchor, so the doctor had been called in. he said to me, if this guy wasn’t coming in with serious injuries, you could have had his bed, but sorry just go home and see how you go! I guess an altercation with an anchor beats crazy man flu with ridiculously high temperatures!

So this has been a very testing week for all involved, I have been so sick all I could do was sleep and try and help Mikie as much as possible! Mikie had the joys of entertaining the kids which was certainly hindered by the rain everyday…….so instead of moving on to Albany on Tuesday we are going to have a few days more in Esperance and try and see some of the sights that we missed out on last week.

Tuesday 3rd May
So after a week of going stir crazy in the camper, today we went for a drive around the beautiful coastline, it was still raining so we didn’t stop but it was still an amazing view. We then wandered around the town did a little shopping, had lunch and checked out the museum (better known as the cemetery for all old shit in Esperance!). the kids are having a great time making friends, we are very lucky to be staying at the same park as our new friends the Heath’s, so Oscar is happy playing with Dylan and Josh again (and Scarli is too!) Scarlett has made a new friend, Bonnie, and is having such a good time playing at her ‘house’. Bonnie’s family are staying at the park in a unit whilst their new bus gets built, they too are travelling around Aus. It is so lovely to meet all these families and hear what they are doing, how they are doing it and why they are doing it. We are having the greatest adventure! Even when we are sick of each other and full up with the flu!

TOMORROW we plan a big boat trip – can not wait ………

The last two days in Esperance were my absolute favourite. On the Wednesday we went on a boat trip out  to Woody Island, the trip out was amazing we got to see so much more coastline and sea lions, seals and although we searched no dolphins! We then spent a few hours on Woody Island playing in rock pools, going for walks and generally enjoying the spectacular view!! This was a really special time for me as I was feeling better and again could really appreciate the time we are spending with the kids. I am enjoying their company (and Mike’s) so much. We are having so much fun, just hanging out, stopping at any playground Scarli can find and generally not caring where we are and where we have to go. I love going for walks with Oscar and hearing about his big plans for the world. I love listening to Scarlett make up songs about anything…her latest is about eating poo! (disgusting, but so very very funny! And I just love watching Lola’s delight in just being outside and sitting in the dirt, she is truly at peace. That expression of pure joy, will always be etched in my memory. Lola is changing daily, her expressions are priceless, and the look of sheer bliss on her face is glorious . This is the most important thing that Mike and I could be doing right now, just being with the kids and sharing this with them!
Now you may be a little surprised to hear that I am enjoying my time with Mikie as well. This time has been awesome for us, away from the usual stresses of everyday life, the little annoyances have dissipated and we are again enjoying each other’s company so much more. I love to watch Mike interact with the other camp dwellers he has such a knack of finding the weird and wonderful characters in this world. At the latest caravan park mike has a new friend, he affectionately calls the blue raven….the blue raven I hear you ask….well this is Mikie’s story,

This lovely old dot was very taken with our little Lola and would often wander over for a chat when we were outside with the kids. She was missing her grandies and we encouraged her to have a fill of our kiddies….(anything for a moment’s peace). Well the blue raven then took a little shine to my Mikie, and would bail him up whenever she could. She gave Mikie her life story and told him that as a surprise when they purchased their new caravan, her dear husband had a ‘blue raven’ painted on her caravan as she likes them so much…..(well mikie can’t actually remember if it was a blue raven, but because she ‘raved on’ so  much, mike decided that was what is would be!) so the blue raven waschristened!, every day she would tell mike a new place we should visit on our travels and each day she would describe this new place as ‘ooohh just lovely, what a great little spot that is!’
It’s even funnier that her friends that they travel with, also got a blue raven painted on their van….so they could be part of it!!!!! So look out if Mikie pulls up to a car detailing shop with the camper than I think we might be joining their gang!

The last day in Esperance we went to Lucky bay. This was an absolutely magical spot, I think one of my favourite spots so far. We drove through a beautiful national park to get to this idyllic location. When we arrived the water was crystal clear, I couldn’t  keep the kids out of the water no matter that it was not a very warm day. But the water was beautiful, as we played in this beautiful bay we watched fish leap out of the water and so very close to us! Oscar was so excited to see it. We then went for a big walk up the beautiful white beaches exploring the bay, we were so lucky to see a big pod of dolphins just swimming out in the deeper water, they were awesome. Just being there restored my soul and I felt so very peaceful and relaxed. It was gorgeous taking Lola to see the kangaroos that were sleeping on the beach and then later that afternoon, we got so close to them whilst they were eating at a camp site, Lola was so excited watching them only half a metre away eating some bread that someone had given them.  Mikie then whipped up a big feast on the bbq and we sat and ate half a cow watching the world go by. We couldn’t help but laugh at some tourists in a very very over packed mitsibishi bus who ignored the sign that said “no 4 wheel drive access’ and immediately got stuck in the  sand, the more they tried to get out the deeper the wheels went. I couldn’t help but think that some expressions are cross cultural, the lady with them had obviously said it was not a  good idea, and the man had obviously ignored her, so when they got stuck her expression said it all, and he sheepishly had the look ‘you were right, I was wrong’ aahh the international look of a man!. Luckily someone was able to pull them out with a big 4 wheel drive, but it was very amusing to watch. We then went for a big walk  around the bay, through the bush to the look out. It was gorgeous to see many of the native wild flowers around even though it isn’t really the season for them. We were well and truly zonked by the time we got back to the camper for our last night in Esperance.
It was a sad farewell in Esperance to the Heath’s who we had enjoyed spending time with, it was a shame that I was so sick for most of Esperance as we would have enjoyed a few more evenings together. Scarli was also devastated to say good bye to Bonnie, however we all have email addresses so hopefully we can catch up  as we continue our travels.

Our next stop is Albany!

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